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Declining Use of Motorcycle Helmets Slows Improving Fatality Rate

A recent report by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) noted a decline in motorcycle fatalities from 2009 to 2010. The GHSA, however, viewed this negatively because 2010 saw a drop of only 2 percent after a 16 percent decline in motorcycle deaths in 2009. Additionally, while the first two quarters saw a decline in deaths caused by motorcycle accidents, the third quarter actually saw an increase.

The study looked at data from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and found fatality statistics all across the board, with the reasons for increases or decreases differing from state to state.

The report noted that use of motorcycle helmets also declined in 2010, with only a little over half of all motorcycle riders wearing helmets. Despite the decrease in both fatalities and helmet use, however, the study did not draw a correlation between the two.

After an Accident

Motorcycle accidents can be serious with few safety measures between the driver and the cement. Cars and other vehicles have more safety measures such as seatbelts, airbags and anti-lock braking systems. As a result, it is obvious why injuries and death are more prevalent in motorcycle crashes. In fact, motorcycle accidents account for 20 percent of all driving fatalities.

Someone involved in an accident might be nervous or in a state of shock. However, it is important to remain as calm as possible. There are many steps people must take, but often understandably forget, when involved in an accident:

Motorcycle accidents are an unfortunate reality of driving American roads. Regrettably many of these accidents result in serious bodily injury or death. However, there are resources available for individuals and families affected by such a crash so they may begin putting their lives back together.

Anyone having questions or who has been involved in a crash should speak with an experienced personal injury attorney with motorcycle accident experience immediately to discuss their options moving forward, as well as an honest analysis of their claims.

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