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Juveniles Charges Involving Weapons Possession in New Jersey

New Jersey Laws Governing Juvenile Weapons Possession

The state of New Jersey has some of the toughest weapons possession laws in the country, and minors are no exception to the law. Pursuant to statute, a minor cannot own, purchase or possess any type of firearm, from a BB gun or air gun to a rifle, pistol or shotgun, with four specific exceptions:

Penalties for Illegal Possession of Weapons in New Jersey

As a general rule, the simple possession of an unlawful weapon, including a firearm, by a minor in New Jersey is a fourth-degree offense, with potential penalties that include counseling, fines, community service and even jail time. Certain types of offenses, though, carry more severe sanctions. A minor who brings a gun or illegal weapon to school may be charged with a seconddegree indictable offense.

Though the penalties imposed by the juvenile court are generally less severe, there is always the possibility, based on the nature of the offense, that the prosecutor will ask the juvenile court to waive the case, so that it can be tried in adult court. If that happens, the individual potentially faces years of incarceration with adult inmates.

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At the law offices of Gregg A. Wisotsky, Esq., Partner, Javerbaum Wurgaft Hicks Kahn Wikstrom & Sinins, PC, we offer a free phone consultation to every prospective client. For a complimentary evaluation of your case, contact our office online or call us at 973-898-0161. We will come to your home or the hospital to meet with you, if necessary. All major credit cards are accepted.

Categories: Juvenile Offenses

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