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Obtaining a Fair Workers’ Compensation Settlement

My Long-Term Payments Are Running Out

What do you do when your long-term Workers’ Compensation payments are coming to an end? First and foremost, don’t wait until your benefits are running out to apply for Social Security. You may be eligible to receive both Workers’ Compensation and SS simultaneously, depending on your situation.

Social Security has a different standard of disability than that of Workers’ Compensation. To obtain Social Security disability benefits you must be disabled, not just from the one job in which you suffered injury or illness but from other work as well.

Contact Gregg A. Wisotsky, Esq., Partner, Javerbaum Wurgaft Hicks Kahn Wikstrom & Sinins, PC, personal injury attorney in New Jersey.

If you believe that you may qualify under the Social Security disability standard and that you will be disabled for twelve months, consider applying for Social Security disability benefits immediately. Otherwise, if you watch your payments for Workers’ Compensation run out, you may not have income while your Social Security claim is in the application stage.

If you are receiving Workers’ Compensation and Social Security Disability benefits, your Social Security disability benefits may be reduced proportionately. The law states that you can receive up to 80% of your average wage. Once your Workers’ Compensation benefits run out, your Social Security Disability benefits will increase to your maximum amount.

At the law office of Gregg A. Wisotsky, Esq.,Partner, Javerbaum Wurgaft Hicks Kahn Wikstrom & Sinins, PC, we can answer your questions, explain your rights and represent you in a personal injury claim. Contact our office online or call us at 973-898-0161 for a free consultation. Additionally, we charge no attorney fees unless we win your case on your behalf. In addition to personal injury law, we also practice criminal defense.

Categories: Personal Injury

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