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Penalties for Violating Probation

Between March 11 and March 14, Hunterdon County sheriff’s officers arrested three different people for violation of probation warrants. Each person was promptly returned to jail and held without bond pending a court appearance.

Probation is a more lenient alternative to incarceration that is available for lower-risk criminal offenders, which allows them to serve their sentences in the community under probationary supervision rather than being sentenced to incarceration or serving time in jail. Various terms and conditions apply to probation arrangements in New Jersey. These include, but are not limited to, regular appointments with the offender’s probation officer, curfews, random drug and alcohol testing, monthly payments, electronic monitoring, community service, counseling or education and employment requirements.

To avoid a revocation of probation, strict rules must be followed while a person is on probation. If a person is caught in violation of probation, their probation can be revoked, causing their sentence of incarceration to be activated and enforced or the imposition of stricter probation conditions. However, the penalties to be imposed depend on the seriousness of the probation violation.

Gregg A. Wisotsky, Esq., Partner, Javerbaum Wurgaft Hicks Kahn Wikstrom & Sinins, PC, offers a free phone consultation at 973-898-0161 to discuss your situation. In more than 25 years of criminal defense experience in Morris County and northern New Jersey, we have favorably represented many clients in violation of probation or parole hearings.

Categories: Criminal Defense

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