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Protecting the Rights of Juvenile Defendants in New Jersey

If your child has been arrested or detained by authorities, you may be uncertain about your first steps. What can your child expect to face moving through the juvenile justice system? What if the authorities want to put your child in juvenile detention? Will your child be able to come home from detention while his or her case is pending? What happens if your child is found guilty of a juvenile crime?

At the law offices of Gregg A. Wisotsky, Esq., Partner, Javerbaum Wurgaft Hicks Kahn Wikstrom & Sinins, PC, attorney at law, we have more than two decades of experience handling a wide range of criminal matters, including juvenile offenses. We offer a free phone consultation to every new client. Call us at 973-898-0161 or contact our office online for a private meeting.

The New Jersey Juvenile Defense System

When your child is charged with or arrested for a juvenile crime, there is a distinct possibility that he or she will be sent to the county juvenile detention center. Authorities at the detention center must then complete a risk assessment, which will determine whether your child can return home while charges are pending or must stay in juvenile detention. The authorities will look at specific factors, such as prior juvenile history, age of the child, the seriousness of the offense, your child’s ties to the community, and appearance/non-appearance at prior court proceedings.

Under New Jersey law, when a juvenile is arrested, a hearing with a family court judge must be occur within 24 hours. The judge will consider all factors and issue a ruling regarding whether your child may go home until the matter is resolved. In most instances, your child will not be at the hearing but will participate by phone or video from detention. However, a family member must appear at this hearing.

If the judge rules that your child must stay in detention, your child will still have an opportunity to meet personally with the judge in the days following the initial hearing. The judge may decide, based on the personal hearing, to release your child while the case is pending or may rule that he or she remain in detention.

When Your Child Is Found Guilty

If your child is convicted of a juvenile offense, he or she can face several potential outcomes:

Contact Us

We offer a free phone consultation to every prospective client. For a complimentary evaluation of your case, contact our office online or call us at 973-898-0161. We will come to your home or to detention to meet with you, if necessary. All major credit cards are accepted.

Categories: Criminal Defense

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